The wold is currently undergoing another crisis -- the current one being the rhetoric around North Korea making progress in being able to carry out a successful test in its long distance missile program. What has followed has been nothing short of a rhetoric. We had a similar drama when Iran, India and others carried out experiments and explosions.
So why do we have so much drama every time a third world or progressive nation carries out a nuclear explosion or missile test. Other countries threaten to attack and there is a general brouhaha about the whole scenario that is about as repeatable and impressive as a stale joke. There is so much of negativity generated and such a waste of vibes. the end result will be some sanctions, which don’t really do anything except put the general public of that nation into more dire circumstances.
Some general questions that come to my mind:
- How can a country manage to get the material required to make the weapons grade material?
- Is there a way by which we can benefit the world by reducing tension?
I see that every country wants to be independent in terms of its power generation. The world needs energy. The larger countries want to ensure that they are not attacked. and I am very sure that anybody with brains worth their salts does not wants small time rogues to land up a catch of nuclear pile and use that to attack other countries -- it could be disaster for all.
I also realize that nuclear energy has tremendous potential and has the capability of solving the world’s energy problems. People often have images of Chernobyl’s disaster in the late 80s when they think of nuclear energy plants. So how can we make this a source of solution to our problems rather than cause more issues and discord in the world.
Here is my suggestion:
- Get the UN or another International Agency (like the International Atomic Energy Commission) to take over the role of a central Energy producing agency.
- Make deals with various countries to establish a consortium. members are entitled to share profits, energy and products.
- The consortium should be treated like a business endeavor.
- Acquire land from the member country to set up the plant.
- Security of the plant will be handled by International organization.
- The plant will offer job to local population. The resources can also be transferred between various plants.
- The technical staff or exerts in nuclear material will be selected from international members.
- The surplus energy can be sold to neighboring member countries.
- There could be multiple power plants in a country - depending on its size and location.
Imagine how many jobs this can create. Contrary to the beliefs, nuclear energy is one of the greenest forms of energy. It just needs careful monitoring and close coordination.
And most of all, it needs a strong leader who has the will power to do things. I believe the world and US has one now -- and he can lead the world to come together on this issue.